Approx 17.5cm x 23cm
Graphite on 110 gram drawing cartridge
Copyright Susan Borgas
Drawing is so relaxing and just wish I had more time to do detailed work similar to the sample above. My time instead is channeled into producing realistic paintings with the intention of selling them. Marketing of course is high on the agenda as well.
Ideally fifty percent painting and the other fifty towards marketing is desired for the serious artist. Now I say 'ideally' although I do find my 'other life' does get in the way and would suggest that be the case with many artist. Setting realistic goals will without a doubt ensure success.
Effort only releases its reward when you refuse to quit. Author unknownThere are many motivational and inspiring writings on the web. Two that I found interesting to read are as follow:
What about you, do you have some tips to pace yourself so that you are able to achieve your own goals?
technorati tags: drawing, sketching, motivation, inspiration
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